Effects of Dairy Cow Diet Supplementation with Carrots, Red Beet and Fodder beet on Cow Blood Serum Carotene Concentration and Milk Production
beta-carotene, dairy cow, dry matter Intake, milk production, root vegetablesAbstract
Provision of fat-soluble antioxidants necessary for cow organism and milk synthesis depends on their concentration in the diet. Administration of the natural vs synthetic forms of carotene and other bioactive components has the potential of better bio-availability. The aim of this study wos to estimate the effect of cow diet supplementation with carrots, red beet and fodder beet on the total feed intake, the total carotene concentration in cow blood and milk production. A total of 12 cows of Holstein Friesian breed were divided into control (CG) and experimental group (EG). In the EG cow diet was supplemented with 8% (dry mater bases) of vegetable mix of carrots (20%), red beet (20%) and fodder beet (60%) in the indoor period (November-December 2017) for 5 weeks. The total weights of dry matter consumed per day were 20.7 and 19.8 kg respectively, for cows in EG and CG. The carotene concentration in the blood of cows before supplementation was under the recommended beta-carotene level of minimum 3.0 mg/l. During experimental period the increase in carotene concentration in blood of cows was much more in EG, showing the positive effect of carrots, red beet and fodder beet supplementation The mean daily milk yields were 32.9 kg and 31.4 kg for EG and CG, respectively, with a response of 0.4 kg milk for cows in EG. Milk producers can be suggested to add this vegetable to the diet of dairy cows in order to improve beta-carotene level in cow blood and to maintain a high milk production.
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