Possibilities of Increasing the Conception Rate after the Termination of the Voluntary Waiting Period in Dairy Cows
Cloprostenol, conception rate, dairy cows, voluntary waiting periodAbstract
The purpose of the paper is to increase the conception rates after termination of the voluntary waiting period in dairy cows by administering synthetic analogs of PgF2α. The first dose of PGF2α (Proliz: 500 mcg of Cloprostenol) was given on day 46 on calving. Females who did not show heat after first administration were given a dose of 500 mcg of Cloprostenol after 14 days (60 days after calving). In the 46-65 days from culling, out of 26 cows in the experimental group, 24 cows (92.3%) showed heat and of the 18 cows in the control group, 12 cows showed heat (66.66 %). Within the 46-65 days from calving, out of the 24 cows in the experimental group did not return to heat 15 cows (conceptual rate of 62.5%); of the 12 cows in the control group, 6 cows did not return to heat (50.0% conception rate).
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