Identification of IGF-1 Gene Polymorphism Using PCR-RFLP for Improving Goat Meat Evaluation in Carpatina Breed


  • Cristina Lazar National Research Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition, 077015-Balotesti, Calea Bucuresti, no. 1, Romania
  • Rodica Stefania Pelmus National Research Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition, 077015-Balotesti, Calea Bucuresti, no. 1, Romania
  • Alexandru Mihail Gras National Research Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition, 077015-Balotesti, Calea Bucuresti, no. 1, Romania
  • Mircea Catalin Rotar National Research Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition, 077015-Balotesti, Calea Bucuresti, no. 1, Romania
  • Elena Ghiţă National Research Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition, 077015-Balotesti, Calea Bucuresti, no. 1, Romania


insulin growth factor, goat, meat, evaluation, quality, polymorphism


The objective of this study was to identify insulin growth factor (IGF-1) gene polymorphism using PCR RFLP technique in order to improve goat meat evaluation. Insulin like growth factor -1 play an important stimulator role in skeletal growth, cell differentiation and metabolism. Also it has an important role in control of hair cycles and it is involved in development of wool fiber. Therefore, it is considered as an appropriate candidate gene for meat quality evaluation. Blood samples were collected from 12 Carpatina kids and DNA was extracted using, Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kit. Polymorphism of IGF-1 was determined by PCR amplification followed by RFLP method using restriction enzyme Hae III. In the present study heterozygous individuals were identified with genotype BC (25%) and homozygous individuals for the genotype BB (75%). B allele frequency was 0.87 and for allele C was 0.13. Observed and expected values of IGF-1 genotypes were found in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, after χ2 test was calculated. Further investigation is necessary to be carried out on a high number of animals in order to discover other mutations correlated with meat quality in Carpatina goat.


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