Productional and Financial Differences between Carp Fingerling Fed with Extruded and Pelleted Feed


  • Jelena Stanivuk Agricultural Faculty of Novi Sad, Novi Sad-21000, 8, Serbia
  • Nada Plavša Agricultural Faculty of Novi Sad, Novi Sad-21000, 8, Serbia


common carp, extruded fish feed, pelleted fish feed, production results


Research was made to solve the dilemma of the choice between two types of feed available in our market. The objective was to compare production results and financial feasibility of different preparation of fish feed. We followed growth and body FCR of juvenile common carp in first year of life- in three year system, fed with extruded feed and regular pelleted feed. All feed had the same level of proteins and protein to energy ratio. Experiment was established during four months in feeding season. 50.000 common carp fingerlings per lake (initial body weight was 0.9 g) were distributed into 5 earth ponds (area 2 ha each), and prepared equally for the experiment, until they average body weight reached 30 g. Two treatments that included two (extruded), and three (pelleted) repetitions were prepared for the experiment. Feed consumption was determined by average body mass, which were measured every 10 days. Percentage of mortality and health issues was not significant. Average body weight was around 95, with FCR about 2.5. Obtained production results indicate that feed manufactured in our facility generates same results as the extruded feed of renowned feed producer. Also we made a calculation of financial gain and made the conclusion of financial viability of each treatment.


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