Influence of Gender on Fatty Acids Content in Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) Venison
wild boar, venison, fatty acidsAbstract
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of sex on content of some chosen fatty acids in wild boar venison. Soxhlet method of extraction and gravimetric method were used. Relative content of fatty acids in clear intramuscular fat was determined by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector on Agilent 689A GC apparatus. Analyses of each fatty acid show differences in all samples of meat being analysed. The differences are as follows: the average values reached 0,81 % in males and 0,82 % in females in alpha – linolenic acid, the average values reached 15,86 % in males and 14,01 % in females in linoleic acid, the average values reached 2,71 % in males and 2,98 % in females in palmitoleic acid. No statistical significance were determined in this differences (P>0.05). The next analyses show follow differences: the average values reached 43,15 % in males and 44,62 % in females in oleic acid, acid the average values reached 0,42 % in males and 0,48 % in females in arachidonic, significant importance (P<0.05) were determined. According to our result we can state that gender present relevant factor influencing the fatty acids content in intramuscular fat in some fatty acids.
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