Research Regarding the Cattle Meat Assortments Purchased and Preferred by the Consumers from Timis County


  • Diana Marin Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agricultural Management, Calea Aradului,119, Timisoara, Romania


consumption, cattle meat, Timis County


Depending on the anatomical regions of the cattle, we found that the cattle meat assortments preferred by men, regardless of age, are chickpeas, moss, worm, and less the chest, pulp and the rasol. Age categories 21-30 years and 31-40 years do not prefer beef pulp at all, and the 51-60 category the chest, probably because of the thicker miofibrils and make the meat harder to chew. Women of all ages, we see that they prefer all assortments of cattle meat, except for the 21-30 category who does not prefer the rasol, may be due to the fact that they still do not know how to prepare it.


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