Behaviour Problems of Psychic Nature in Shelter - Reared Dogs


  • Mehmed Halil Animal Hygiene, Ethology and Welfare Unit, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


categorisation, dog, illnesses, kennels, pathoethology, psyche


This review summarizes the aetiology, the species and the prevalence of pathoethological processes of psychic nature in sheltered dogs. The analysis was performed on the mandatory necessity of establishing the type of the dog’s temperament, in relation to the owners’ proper approach towards the specific animal, as well as its successful primary and secondary socialisation. A neurotic dog may exhibit chronic anxiety, fear, hyperactivity, obsessive behaviour, and inappropriate responses to stimuli. Truly psychotic dogs, however, are deranged. Their behaviour is acute and unpredictable.


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