Study on Quantity and Quality of Sheep Milk Sampled from Three Areas of Timis County


  • Octavian Sorin Voia Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 300645, Timisoara, Calea Aradului 119, Romania
  • Ioan Padeanu Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 300645, Timisoara, Calea Aradului 119, Romania
  • Dinu Gavojdian Research and Development Station for Sheep and Goats, Romanian Academy for Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Dr. Resitei km 2, 325400, Caransebes, Romania
  • Maria Sauer Research and Development Station for Sheep and Goats, Romanian Academy for Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Dr. Resitei km 2, 325400, Caransebes, Romania
  • Walter-Ioan Sauer Research and Development Station for Sheep and Goats, Romanian Academy for Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Dr. Resitei km 2, 325400, Caransebes, Romania
  • Carmen Dragomir Research and Development Station for Sheep and Goats, Romanian Academy for Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Dr. Resitei km 2, 325400, Caransebes, Romania
  • Mihaela Albulescu Research and Development Station for Sheep and Goats, Romanian Academy for Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Dr. Resitei km 2, 325400, Caransebes, Romania


sheep milk, fat, protein, milk residues, added water


Investigations were carried out in April on raw sheep milk collected from three centres from west (V), centre (C) and east (E) part of Timis County. The milk was collected by a commercial dairy-factory, with the purpose to monitor quantity (l), the fat content (%), protein content (%), pH, the presence of antibiotics, this cow or goat milk added, freezing point and the addition of water. Based on these investigations we can state that in lowland areas (V and respective C) was producing significantly (p≤0.001) more milk compared to the hilly area (E).

The average fat percentage was significantly (p≤0.001) higher, by 0.56 and 0.46 percentage in V centre, compared to C and E. The average percentage of protein varied in very close (V = 5.75%, C 5.70% and E 5.66%), differences were not significant (p> 0.05). The milk had a slightly acid pH of 6.78. No antibiotics residues were identified or cow and goat milk was added. Addition of water was identified in 55% of milk samples taken from the C centre, and 22% from the E centre. Current results suggest that the milk of sheep taken from three centres in Timis County meets current European regulations on quality and food safety.


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Determinarea reziduurilor de antibiotice din lapte

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Punctul de congelare sau punctul crioscopic al laptelui

Milk Composition Freezing Point,

Ordinul nr. 25/2008 al presedintelui ANSVSA privind aprobarea Normei sanitar veterinare penru siguranta alimentelor privind metodologia de prelevare, prelucrare primară, ambalare si transport al probelor destinate examenelor de laborator în domeniul sănătații animalelor.






Technologies Applied in Animal Husbandry