Types of Banat Rural Tourist Products Required by International Tourists


  • Cornelia Petroman Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agricultural Management, Calea Aradului,119, Timisoara, Romania


authenticity, rural area, tourist product


Tourist products express the training way and content of tourism offer, being a sum of material goods and services designed to meet the requirements and motivations of tourists. Tourist services are individualized through a lot of characteristics: elasticity of consumption, the material or immaterial existence, the impossibility of storing, the simultaneity of consumption with the production one, the impossibility of avoiding some differences. The structure of Banat tourist products focuses on several essential components because of the multiculturalism of this area, but also specific entrophic and natural resources, natural reservations, historic sites, great diversity of flora and fauna due temperate or sub-Mediterranean climate subtypes. Economic activities as support of agricultural occupations have trends of orientation towards the tertiary sector stimulating the growth of niche tourism, of multiethnic space and multi confessional, being the supporting element of tourist services offered and through and through multilingualism increase the identity of culture and civilization. The economic rural activities, population and territory offers to Banat rural tourist product a note of originality, authenticity and attractiveness, the novelty of Banat village consisting from manufacturing activities, habits and popular, the traditions archaic mulinologic installations and technical oil extraction, gastronomy, natural monuments, monastic religious services, diversity of hilly and steppe landscape.


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