Possibilities of Improvement of the Management of Rural Guesthouses and Agrotourist Farms
management, guesthouse, agrotourist farmAbstract
In order to develop and propulsion tourism activities in rural tourist guesthouses and agrotourist farms it is required conduction and the coexistence of two categories of management: management of rural area conducted by the public local government in order to manage the specific resources, of public and private lands and management of rural tourist guesthouse and agrotourist farms. The rural area’s management involves a series of actions that increase the attractiveness of rural village and gives a positive perception from tourists. For a competitive and efficient management it is required planning and organization of public services, publishing of promotional materials, establishing collaboration relationships with other localities which have e natural reservations, historic sites and specific traditions. To improve the management of rural guesthouses and agrotourist farms will take the following actions: specialization of agrotourist farm by customer segment that wants to receive and make them loyal, organization of catering activities, planning and organizing accommodation services, achievement of tourist programs for entertainment and recreation according to the area available at the farm or property level, or rural settlement.
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