Modifications of some Production Parameters on Heavy Hens as a Result of the Calcium/Phosphor Deficiency in Ration


  • Daniel Cucă Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 256 Basarabia Ave., 30352 Bucharest, Romania
  • Cristina Dinu Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 256 Basarabia Ave., 30352 Bucharest, Romania


calcium, heavy hens, phosphorus, production


One group of 140 hens, 35 weeks old, from a compartment diagnosed with calcium/phosphorus metabolism disorders, examined for 60 days, comparatively with a control group, the followings have been found: decrease of total egg production by 15.2%, reduction of laying percentage by 10.49%, decrease of average body weight by 410 g, reduction the percentage of eggs selected for incubation by 45.10%, increase of the number of eggs with soft or deformed shell by 3.81%. Changes in size, shape and weight of the eggs were also observed in the affected group

Calcium/phosphorus deficiencies have also been revealed through deviations of the chest bone, spontaneous fractures of some bones and difficulty movement.


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